National Conference for Heads of Rugby in Schools
Monday, 11 November at the Allianz Stadium (formerly Twickenham)
Dates & Venues
In association with
This year’s Conference will be held at the Allianz Stadium (formerly Twickenham), in collaboration with RFU. Support from the Union enables the event to be offered at less than half the price of previous years, with the aim to make it accessible to Heads of Rugby in schools of all types. The Conference is also pleased to welcome Steve Grainger, the RFU Executive Director of Rugby Development. It is the first attendance of such senior staff, and a reflection of the Union’s support for the future of Rugby in schools.
Although the game continues to face pressures, it is clear that the children and parents who are keen, love Rugby more than ever. This year’s event aims to support schools, to enable the game to be delivered and promoted in the most positive way possible. It will include articulation of what Heads of Rugby can do to ensure impact and promote benefit. Celebrating the game’s unique combination of impacts, and promoting its potential to enrich lives is every bit as important as the legitimate focus on mitigating risk.
This year’s Conference, fittingly hosted at the home of the world game, aims to support leaders of the school Rugby in their role as ambassadors for its capacity to enhance young lives. Let’s get behind school Rugby.
Conference Assembles. Refreshments
10.00 am
The RFU and Schools’ Rugby
Steve Grainger MBE, RFU Executive Director of Rugby Development
10.30 am
Leading Rugby in HMC Schools
Guy Ayling, HMC Rugby Lead, Headmaster Mount Kelly
Refreshment Break
Communicating the Benefit: Let’s Get Behind School Rugby
Neil Rollings, PADSIS
Making Rugby a Force for Good in Schools
Steffan Griffiths, Vice-Chair HMC Sport Committee, Headmaster Norwich School
Inter-school Matches: Trends, Regulations and Recommendations
Structured season and possibilities for mixing age groups in boys’ and girls’ games
Recommended approaches to inter-school competition
Mike Hart and Mark Saltmarsh, RFU
2.30 pm
National Competitions Update
National Schools Cup, Rosslyn Park Sevens, Other Competitions
Hugo Corbett (Chair, ERFSU Competitions Committee)
Andy Higgins (Tournament Director, Rosslyn Park Sevens)
3.15 pm
Conference Disperses
Conference runs 9.30am – 3.30pm. Prices include refreshments, lunch and resources. Prices exclude VAT.
Neil Rollings
Neil was Director of Sport in four independent schools, over a 21-year career. He was Chairman of HMC NE Games Masters' Conference and an Independent Schools Inspector. Neil now works with schools in the UK and overseas, developing sports programmes and appointing Directors of Sport. He is a member of the RFU Schools' Partnerships Group, contributor to the Government Task Force on the Future of PE, member of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood. He was Chairman of the Professional Association of Directors of Sport in Independent Schools for 15 years, and is Course Director of the University of Buckingham MA programme in Leading School Sport.