British Gymnastics Courses for Teachers Introductory Level | ICE Education
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British Gymnastics Courses for Teachers Introductory Level

Face to Face Event

Teaching Gymnastics to Key Stage Two (7–11 year olds)

British Gymnastics Courses for Teachers Introductory Level (Teaching Gymnastics to  Key Stage Two
Dates & Venues
    In association with
    In association with British Gymnastics


    This course is designed for teachers working with children at Key Stage Two. It is a one-day event, which is a practical introduction to teaching Gymnastics. The course is certified by British Gymnastics, as Introductory Level Gymnastics. It is regarded as the required qualification for teaching Gymnastics to primary age pupils. No previous experience is required, neither is it necessary to be a qualified teacher.  It is suitable for both specialist and non-specialists.  For those with experience of teaching Gymnastics, the 2-day Intermediate course is advised.

    • Introduction: Warm up and Shapes
    • Connection Skills: stepping, spinning, jumps, turns, leaps and cartwheel
    • Rolling Skills: log, egg, side, forward, backward, teddy bear
    • Balance: points and patches, including headstand and handstand 
    • Hand apparatus: hoops, balls and ropes
    • Partner Balances: working with partner and small groups
    In association with
    In association with British Gymnastics
    Course Leaders

    Gary Kirby

    Gary Kirby was a GB international gymnast. He is an International Performance Coach, and has coached medallists in both Olympic Games and World Championships. He was appointed men’s Technical Director at the 2002 Commonwealth Games, and was subsequently Gymnastics Development Officer for Liverpool. He is one of Britain’s leading Gymnastics judges, having officiated at World and European Championships and two Commonwealth Games

    View details


    1 place £219 

    All prices exclude VAT

    Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses

    Registration and refreshments are 8.30am. Course runs 9.00am – 3.00pm. Price includes British Gymnastics resource pack, certification and lunch. In the event of you needing to cancel a place on a British Gymnastics course, please note we require 4 weeks notice. Price excludes VAT.

    10% off all courses during January - does not apply to PADSIS Conference or Gymnastics & Trampolining courses