Modern Swimming Teaching in Schools | ICE Education
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Modern Swimming Teaching in Schools

Zoom Webinar

With Amy Smith and Joe Roebuck

Dates & Venues

    This is a course for teachers of curriculum Swimming lessons who wish to update their subject knowledge and make lessons more relevant, varied and effective. It is also appropriate for coaches of school swimming teams, who are aspiring to improve the techniques of their swimmers. This course will provide modern content to enable teachers to improve swimming lessons. It is suitable for teachers of swimming classes, and coaches of competitive swimmers. It will present extensive video analysis of each stroke, showing skill progressions and common mistakes. Teachers will be equipped to better understand effective techniques, diagnose faults and provide corrective practices.

    • Techniques of the major strokes
    • Full technical breakdown
    • Common mistakes
    • Deconstructing Techniques
    • Starts, Dives and turns
    • Benefit of Swimming aids
    Course Leaders

    Amy Smith

    Amy Smith competed in the 2012 London Olympics in the 50m freestyle. She has competed in three Commonwealth Games, winning silver medals in each. She is  European Championships Gold medalist and World Championships finalist.

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    Joe Roebuck

    Joe Roebuck competed in three events in the 2012 London Olympics. He competed in the Commonwealth Games of Delhi and Glasgow, winning two Silver medals. He is a ten time British champion, and holds both British and Commonwealth records.

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    SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION  £149 (log in on up to five separate devices)  

    All prices exclude VAT

    Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses

    Zoom webinar runs 7pm to 8.30pm. School subscription allows up to 5 members of staff. Recording available for 48 hours. All prices exclude VAT.

    10% off all courses during January - does not apply to PADSIS Conference or Gymnastics & Trampolining courses