Becoming A Successful Head of PE | ICE Education
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Becoming A Successful Head of PE

Zoom Webinar

With Will Swaithes

Dates & Venues
    In association with

    This course is designed for aspiring and newly appointed subject leaders of Physical Education. It aims to equip them with the with the knowledge and skills to be effective in that position, and to achieve outstanding outcomes for their students. The programme is based on the latest research, inspection requirements and innovations in the subject. Having a clear picture of what a great practical PE lesson looks like is essential to standardising practice and ensuring the needs of all students are met. This will be supported by templates and case studies to map out coherent learner pathways that are much more than a ‘basket of sports’. Various examination options will be considered, including GCSE, A level and vocational courses, together with their place in the curriculum pathway.

    • Creating a clear vision for successful PE
    • Clarifying the features of high-quality PE
    • Understanding ‘outstanding’
    • Distinguishing PE from sport, games and broader education outcomes
    • Understanding leadership and management to build a successful PE department
    • Mapping out a well-sequenced learner journey appropriate to your context
    • Using a theory of change model to plan for action and change
    • Understanding examinations in PE and Sport
    In association with
    Course Leaders

    Will Swaithes

    Will Swaithes is an experienced teacher, teacher educator and leader of teaching and learning. With over 20 years’ experience in education, Will became an Advanced Skills Teacher in 2006 and has been innovating curriculum design ever since.  Following 4 successful years as Head of Physical Education and Achievement for Youth Sport Trust, Will now leads the secondary PGCE programme at Birmingham City University and is also Education Director at PE Scholar. He has a reputation for high-quality consultancy services, mentoring support and training with an ambition to ensure PE stands for Positive Experiences for all children in all schools.

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    1 place £69 

    School Subscription £149 (log in on up to five separate devices)

    All prices exclude VAT

    Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses

    Zoom webinar runs 7pm to 8.30pm. School subscription allows up to 5 members of staff. Recording available for 48 hours. All prices exclude VAT.

    10% off all courses during January - does not apply to PADSIS Conference or Gymnastics & Trampolining courses