PE in Key Stage 1 | ICE Education
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PE in Key Stage 1

Zoom Webinar

With Lesley Minervini

PE in Key Stage 1 Webinar for Teachers of PE
Dates & Venues

    As children progress from Early Years settings into Key Stage One, the development of physical literacy is a priority. It is the foundation of future success in physical education and sport, as well as a central foundation of confidence, self-esteem and social skills. This webinar is suitable for both specialist and non-specialist teachers: it will provide a broad understanding of fundamental movement alongside a wide range of activities, skill practices and games through which these vital qualities can be developed in all children.

    • Understanding physical development in Key Stage One
    • Establishing a foundation of physical literacy
    • Developing Fundamental Movement Skills in all children
    • Analysing movement abilities and games skills
    • Outstanding lesson content
    • Developing the concepts of strategy and tactics alongside physical skills
    Course Leaders
    Lesley Minervini

    Lesley Minervini

    Lesley Minervini has over 25 years of experience working in education, and has worked with teachers throughout the world. She has authored many resources and courses including – Start to Move cards, Healthy Movers Take Home Pack , Purposeful Playtimes and PE Underpinning Achievement. She is the tutor trainer for British Athletics officials and officiates in Athletics around the world.

    View details


    SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION  £149 (log in on up to five separate devices) 

    All prices exclude VAT

    Don’t forget schools can now reclaim the VAT on all our courses

    Zoom webinar runs 7pm to 8.30pm. School subscription allows up to 5 members of staff. Recording available for 48 hours. All prices exclude VAT.

    10% off all courses during January - does not apply to PADSIS Conference or Gymnastics & Trampolining courses